Saturday, July 30, 2022

GURPS Supers Templates for GCS

It's been a slow roll but the GURPS Supers templates for GURPS Character Sheet (GCS) are complete.  See the links on the right. 

There were a few point calculation corrections to be made in some templates, and I split the 'Supermage' group of templates into their respective components of Master Mage, Mystic and Stage Magician with Powers. 

Feel free to review and let me know your thoughts. I'm on Discord as Morcedant#8652.

In other news, the initial Grimm 1889 campaign is winding down to its final epic showdown outside Deadwood, Dakota Territory (not divided into two states yet in this time frame). A pair of Grimm gunslingers, a Mauve Dentes and a Manticore are gathered together to stop the rise of something dark and dangerous in the blood soaked Black Hills while facing railroad barons, corrupt sheriffs, royal assassins, artifact hunters, ancient religious orders, and a host of Wesen intent on making their home amongst the people of the territory. 

Until next time, may your next roll be a critical hit.