Friday, December 3, 2021

The Geek Discovered

What kind of geek am I, really?

That's a funny thing - I've never settled on a singular obsession. 

Do I watch Star Trek? Do discussions about Luke's heroic journey and Darth Vader's helmet seem a worthy pastime? Has my daughter been raised to favor Time Lords and vampires? Are there comic books filling far too much space in my home office? Can starship models and dragon statues overwhelm the unwary visitor to my domain? Am I a Marvel, DC, IDW, BOOM! Studios, Dynamite fan?

Was I just like one of the kids shown in Stranger Things playing D&D in the 80's? Do I struggle to find room for my role-playing books?

Absolutely yes to all of the above.

Now that I've alluded to my bona fides as a geek let us delve into the real reason I'm sharing with you,. Within you will find an assortment of ideas, commentary, ramblings and references about the world of table top role-playing games. I really do not have a choice in the matter - the ol' attic is stuffed full of things both mundane and wonderous, and a good cleaning is in order.

With that said, welcome to my brain dump.